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USG Boral Cornice Products

PMC (Plaster/Metal/Cladding) Cairns and Townsville stock and can supply the exact Boral equivalent cornice to the Knauf Cornice Range.
Please see our photos for Comparison.

The USG Boral decorative cornice range include Linear, Sydney Cove, New York, Manly and Cairo 2 step, 3 step and 4 step cornice.

If you need a Gyprock cornice please let us know as we can certainly organize that for you.

In addition to standard ranges of cornice we can supply decorative cast plaster ornate/decorative and foam cornices although these have to be ordered in and can be quite expensive.

If you have any questions related to these products or require a quote please contact one of your local PMC stores and have a chat to one of our friendly staff members who will be happy to help with your cornice needs.

In addition to the cornice itself we also carry a full range of cornice cements, sponges, small tools etc that all help make the job complete.